Children's Book Reviews

Sunday, August 04, 2013

I can't wait to use this imaginative and informative book about Three Little Shrimp in a sea life unit in my preschool. Honestly, until I read this book, I'd never really considered the life, habitats, and food of shrimp. I guess most of us only regard shrimp as part of our food chain. Now, will I ever be able to eat another shrimp after learning about these interesting crustaceans? Check it out and I hope you will also find delight in shrimp as a member of our wondrous Earth creatures.

J. Steven Spires has written a charming picture book about three little shrimp that swim to the sea, but get separated from their troop. They find themselves in a great venture with some scary sea creatures and a fisherman all who want to catch them, even eat them. What a great escapade! The young reader will eagerly follow their adventuress while learning about shrimp habitats and food. They will find that shrimp are truly amazing creatures.

Jonathan Caron has wedded the illustrations beautifully with Spires’ text, embellishing the action while portraying sea life with accuracy. Three Little Shrimp, as well as becoming a favorite with children from preschool through third or fourth grade, will also be the basis of an informative, unique unit in the classroom, library, or camp.


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